
Friday, March 19, 2010

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP)

Hey guys! I just had finished playing my continuation of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions today after 4 months (well this is the last time that I played, though). Want to know why? I used cheat XP, well I'm only after the storyline not the game ^^ well it went well and all but I do hate Delita for having to manipulate people around him. Guess what happened? He died in the end, thanks from Ovelia =] So it did somewhat justified for what I/Ramza did to save people from the Evil deeds of the Devils. I do want to watch the animations over and over again hehe...

For those interested in that cheat, well cwcheats are good. It was only transferred by my friend to me just two weeks ago. So thanks to him, I had completed the storyline.

Oh where did i got stuck? Well, i was fighting Weigraf (spellling?) at chapter 3. He did died at my sword at 1st round (used all the best equips and changed job to knight6 from samurai1 for Ramza. I also need the luck of creating an ice above his head so that would die first). At the 2nd round if I did got lucky, I used my best characters but all of us would inevitably get killed in action because the enemy had high stats and humongous monsters... *sigh...... but luckily, with the aid of cheat I killed the boss in 2 hits =]]using only Ramza in a dark knight job (job cheat also ^^)
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